The Sami App acts as your virtual tackle box allowing you to save your catches and waypoints.
Anglers can retrieve and log unique data about each lure and fishing experience automatically.
Check out our instructional video below!
1. Register

Enter your registration details
Use a password with a capital and a number
2. Add Lure

Tap +Add Lure
Scan Barcode on XPS or Livingston Lure

3. Scanning Lure

Tap Scan Button
Hold up UPC barcode on the package or the lure near red text
4. Add to Tackle Box

Tap Add to confirm and view lure specs
5. Add Catch

- Track every catch. Just tap Add Catch
Add a catch from Lure Detail page or the Tackle Box
6. Catch Details
Enter the details of the catch, scan or swipe to select lure.
Add the fish detail and take a photo
Later you can view details once it's added

7. Catch Log

Access your full catch log
Or the log for a single lure
8. Overall Catch Map View

Tap the map to see your overall catch log
Zoom, pan, and interact with the map to explore your catches